Samstag, 12. August 2017

Day 4.2. Project Day 1.

About some really pleasant things!

I've already mentioned that I'm really getting surprised by the local transport and absolut chaos on the roads. Another important talent which you can master only here is an ability to cross the roads, which represents an uninterrupted car stream. It's pretty easy. Breathe deeply, close your eyes, stretch your hand to the traffic letting them know that you've planned to go and step into the stream of cars and motorcycles. Oh, and don't forget to beg all the Gods to stop this stream. We've tried. It's working.

Also I started to discover exotic fruits for me. Everything is soo exotic that I didn't know the names of most of them and couldn't even remember them. At home I googled the names and found top 25 fruits one should try in South-East Asia. Out of this list I've tried pitaya (dragon fruit, flavour is not that intensive, at first I didn't like it but after that it tasted really good), mangosteen (sooo delicious, sweet-sour, very tender), carambola (very juicy, crunchy, not quite intensive flavour) and small yellow bananas (oh, this flavour we know from our childhood, they are sold as dried bananas in our shops. I loved them as a child!).  

Oh, actually. So that you don't get envy one can hardly find here apples, pears, peaches and apricots which are so common for us. And out of all the berries the Indonesians tried only strawberries.

The local cuisine is mostly based on rice, fried chicken, rice, tofu, fried rice, eggs and ... rice. And sometimes noodles. For a while I give up my healthy eating principles )) But it's really delicious even when sometimes quite unexpectedly spicy. I can't remember the names, if you are really interested google has lots of information to offer. I just rely on the picture) Anyway you never know how it is going to taste. 

By the way. One meal costs 2-3 euro per person. With a drink! But there's no good coffee here =( Not bad. At least I can try to give up drinking coffee ))) And they have very good ice tea. And coconut milk =)

Day 4.

Project Day 1. The temperature is rising. 

On the schedule is the city tour all around the city to get known Surabaya a little bit better. So to say, must see for tourists) We walked around the city hall, found a secret bunker for the governors, visited the city museum, the Heroes Monument and the museum under it. Actually I like museums, but I'm not sure if they really arise your interest. One of the them is in a very unusual way combined with a kind of a administrative office for citizens of the city. And now just imagine... The exhausted in a waiting line Indonesians and happy oversee students running by. So many interested eyes staring at you I have not seen for a while )) The most valuable point on this excursion was that we always had our amazing local volunteers nearby who had an answer to each stupid question) 

In front of the city hall

The puppet theatre from Surabaya. In the museum of Surabaya

By the way Indonesia is the biggest republic in the world where most people are Islamic. There're 255 Mil people living in the country. Most of them are on Java. Just the agglomeration of Jakarta is populated by over (attention!) 30 Mil people. The city lies on the same island, just in its Western part. Surabaya is the second largest city with the population 3,5 Mil people. A very important economical centre and the capital city of the region East Java.

The mayor of Surabaya is a woman. The only one in the administration office of the region. The locals regard her as a very firm and strong woman. At the same time they are proud of her and hope that some day she will lead the country. Tri Rismaharini helped the city to get rid of prostitution what the city was obsessed of by creating new jobs and improved the infrastructure.

In any case the Heroes Monument is worthy of our attention. As a piece of art it is not that important but it serves as a reminder on the fight   of Indonesians for their independence. 1949 Indonesia got independent from the Dutch colonization which lasted over 200 years.

The Heroes Monument

A pure shock was awaiting me at the Tobacco Museum. It's not a secret that Indonesia is famous for its tobacco. But I couldn't even guess that by now the production of cigarettes is supposed to be manual to keep the quality. The cigarettes here are pretty cheap and have a very intensive smell and smoke what stands for their quality. And yes. They are really produces manually. My God! At the museum you can watch over the manufactory. Just imagine! A huge hall with at least 400 people there bending over the tables and rolling the cigarettes. There are only women in the hall except one, because the women are mire productive than the men. In an hour one worker rolls on average 320 cigarettes. 320! The working day is 7 hours with on break for a lunch. The workers sit on plastic chairs. And roll the cigarettes. Every day. 6 hours. Every day! And some of them already for an uncountable amount of years. Getting 3 Mil Rp a month (about 241 Euro). The salary depends on the amount of the rolled cigarettes. Do you want to earn more? Roll more.

At the Tobacco Museum

I realized that I shouldn't have complained on my job and the salary.
That's it. 

Mittwoch, 2. August 2017

Day 3. First impressions

Собственно говоря почему и зачем я здесь. Пару слов о проекте.
Называется он Explore East Java 2.0. В чем цель проекта? Пока не совсем понятно. Понятно одно. У нас в планах много путешествовать по Восточной Яве, знакомиться с историей, культурой и, конечно, природой острова.

Our team in front of the building of the city hall. 

А пока сегодня день насыщенный на впечатления! Много новых знакомств. Ребята-участники проекта с самых разных стран. Есть и европейцы, Испания, Италия, Бельгия, украинец и болгар с Австрии, я такая непонятная русская с Германии, Египет и конечно ребята с Азии: Вьетнам, Китай, Тайвань, Юная Корея и Шри-Ланка. И местные волонтера AIESEC, тоже крутые ребята =)

Утро началось очень по-азиатски. В 4 утра я проснулась под непонятные звуки напоминающие одновременно молитву и песнопения. Потом мое невыспавшееся сознание поняло, что я же вообще-то в самой большой мусульманской стране и это, должно быть, азан. Так и было.

The biggest Mosque in Surabaya. Masjid Al Akbar. I haven't visited it yet. It is on my plan.

Завтрак? Рис, жареная курочка и тофу. Неплохо) Чай кофе не в почете. Вода)) Мне нравится. Вода всегда хорошо.

You just mix it up and enjoy. The price? Like Rp 22000, about 2 Euro. 

Эмоции дня? Поездка на мопеде в самой гуще утренней пробки (я не за рулем, я мужественно пассажиром), рис на обед, экспресс курс индонезийского, чудные индонезийские ребята (менталитет все же очень разный))), мой первый миллион (даже 2, да, в Индонезии невероятная инфляция), моя крутейшая buddy Нанда (самый лучший мотоциклист в мире))), невероятная Сара, чья семья приютила меня и волонтера со Шри-Ланки на 4 недели, и которая может одновременно управлять автомобилем, сигналить мопедам и инстаграммить, очень опасный труд местных ппс-ников, не так уж и жарко, могло быть хуже, невероятное ощущение быть туристом в Азии, когда у тебя светлые глаза, волосы и кожа. Очуметь! Да я к тому же выше почти всех тут. Девчата уверяют, я могла бы работать моделью в Индонезии. 

The rests of my first million.

Туристов тут на первый взгляд не так много, даже в аэропорту. Будем работать.

So, why I'm here. I'm a participant of an international suumer camp, a kind of PR project. We'll help to promote Surabaya and East Java. It's a pity that for most people Indonesia is only Bali. But the culture of the country has much more, what could impress the tourists. And especially it's eastern part. Just follow my blog and enjoy it.

The first day in the project was full of new emotions and people. We have really an international team with participants from all over the world: Spain, Portugal, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Austria, Bulgaria, the Ukraine, Vietnam, China, South Korea and Sri-Lanka. Local AIESEC volunteers are also really cool! 

The day started at 4.40 am. I was woken by strange sounds coming from outside. It was a mix of praying and singing. Half asleep I realized that I'm in the biggest Moslem country and it could be adhan. There're a lot of mosques. Literally at every corner.

Breakfast? Rice with fried chicken and tofu. Not bad. No breakfast coffee and breakfast tea. Just water. I like it. Water is healthy. 

Emotions? Very nice people. a bit of different from us, express language course of Indonesian, my first million (even 2 millions what equals 125 Euro), my cool local buddy Nanda (the best motorbike driver ever))) and my host sister Sarah (who can drive a car, post in instragram and find every spare spot in the terrible traffic).

And it's not that hot as I expected. It could be much worse. By the way when you ride a motorbike it's not that hot and it's very dusty. That's why while riding a motorbike everybody wears a kind of a jacket or a hoody. There's also air condition almost in every room or building. That's why I'd rather advice to have a sort of pullover to pull it on you. At least at the beginning. It's really easy to catch a cold. 

You'd rather get used to it that people will stare at you. Pale skin, blond hair and blue or green eyes are here a sort of exotic. You are constantly taken pictures of by street workers and pedestrians and get compliments from locals. 

Dienstag, 1. August 2017

Day 2. We are arriving at the international airport Surabaya. Please stay seated...

Crossing the equator 

Последняя пересадка, последние 1,5 часа перелета и я наконец в Сурабае. Пересадка в Джакарте была своего рода испытанием. Еще бы =) Оказалось аэропорт в Джакарте, в которой кстати сказать живет 20 миллионов человек (вы только задумайтесь!), - это 3 таких относительно независимых друг от друга заведения/учреждения. Как работает логистика между ними мне до сих пор непонятно. Хорошо что таких как я непонятливых в аэропорту Джакарты оказалось много. Мы сели в автобус (пардон, в шатл)) и уверенно направились, как нам казалось, в терминал 1, откуда и летают все эти дешевые азиатские авиалинии. Мне запомнились Citilink (я на нем и прилетела, дочка компании Garuda Indonesia), Lion, Air Asia.

Jakarta from the airplane. Low, smogy, motorcycles ))

Это была бы не Азия, если бы все шло по плану. В терминал 1 мы приехали спустя полчаса, попутно переглядываясь с другими пассажирами. В глазах у всех читалось одно и то же "А куда, собственно говоря мы сегодня приедем-то?". Потому что автобус уверенно проехал мимо терминала 1 и отправился прямиком в терминал 3. Он, кстати, новый и современный. В отличие от терминала 1. Туда мы все же доехали, но не так скоро, как планировалось. Я внутри радовалась тому, что купила билет с запасом в три часа. В итоге я провела в зале ожидания всего минут 30. Вот так вот.

Кстати! Отдельно стоит упомянуть очередь на таможне в Джакарте. Вот это да!!! Это я даже в Москве такого не видела, когда одновременно прилетают самолеты из Дюссельдорфа, Хургады или еще откуда-нибудь. Тут же было просто оочень много людей! Но очередь двигается очень быстро, лишних вопросов не задают, бумажек никаких не спрашивают. Все стандартно. Куда едете, зачем приехали, клац! штамп в паспорте. Готово)

Прекрасных видов я не наблюдала, потому что солнце самым неожиданным для меня образом село в 6 вечера и все. Ночь =)

Наконец, я в Сурабае. Меня встретили Сара (девочка, в семье которой я теперь живу) и Нанда, моя индонезийская подружка на ближайшие 5 недель. И я надеюсь после тоже :)

Nanda. She's a student in Surabaya.
Volunteers for the project and is my head, feet and brain here. 

Sarah (on the left). My host here.
She's finishing her studies next month, has a very warm-hearted family :)
And air-conditioning in her family's house))) Just believe me, it's essential!

The last change, the last 1,5 hours of flying and I am finally in Surabaya. The transfer at Jakarta was a kind of a challenge. Sure :) It turned out that the airport of Jakarta which is inhabited by 20 million people (just imagine!) represents 3 so to say separated establishments. I still didn't understand what kind of  logistics they have there. I had god luck that I was not the only one at the airport who really couldn't understand it. We got on the bus (pardon, the shuttle-bus) and moved to the Terminal 1 as we thought at that point. Terminal 1 is supposed to be exactly the low-cost airlines terminal. The low-costs are Citilink (I took this one, because it's a Garuda Indonesia subsidiary), Lion Air and Air Asia. 

It wouldn't have been Asia, if it would have followed the plan. A half an hour later we arrived to the terminal 1, on the way looking at each other. Every passenger's look just expressed a sort of "Where are we actually going now?". The bus just passed by the Terminal 1 and turned to the Terminal 3. By the way, it's new and modern. Unlike Terminal 1. We finally reached it but not that fast as we expected. Somewhere inside me I was really happy that I bought a ticket for a flight three hours later. I had to spend only 30 minutes waiting for the next flight. That's it.

By the way I should mention the customers' control in Jakarta. Unbelievable! I haven't seen something of this kind even in Moscow when there are three plains arriving almost at the same time. This time there were just tooooo many people there! But the waiting line is moving really fast, no one gets some awkward questions or is asked for some papers. Just where are you going, the purpose of the trip, bang! your stamp. It's over) 

I couldn't enjoy beautiful views  while flying because the sunset was unexpectedly at 6 p.m. Night :)

Finally I'm in Surabaya. Sarah, my host for coming 5 weeks, and Nanda, by Indonesian friend for coming 5 weeks. I hope also after the project.